Friday 15 April 2011

Trailer Progress Part 4

When making our trailer we decided to add certain sounds into our trailer to add effect and suspense. Imovie was also good for this as it gave us a selection of sounds to choose from in order to make our trailer seem more professional and realistic. Pictured above is an example of some sounds in which you could choose from. We decided to use sounds such as 'Thunder Clap' and 'Heavy Rain' These added effect to the scenes making them seem much more intense. We also added voice overs into our trailer to to add more effect to our audience we done this through using Garageband on the Macbook. By using garageband we were able to record a voiceover and then edit the pitch of our voices to make them seem more realistic and then we would simply download this voiceover into Imovie then place it in the certain part of our trailer in which we wanted it. Pictured below is a screenshot from Garageband and also a Screenshot of the voiceover once it is placed into Imovie.

^ Voiceover once put into Imovie (Pictured in green)

^Garageband where I was able to edit and create the voiceovers.

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