Saturday 16 April 2011

EVALUATION: Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Pictured above is two pictures of how my trailer links well with my poster and web design. I took certain print screens from my trailer to show you how both products link well with my trailer. In the first picture I have shown how my trailer links well with my poster. I print screened the part of my trailer where the cross is shown, this links well with my poster, as the poster also shows the cross in the corner of the picture. This is effective as religion is the main base of this trailer. I also print screened The title of our movie which is shown at the end of the trailer, The writing/colour and style of the writing links well with the poster and has the same overall effect. The last print screen I chose was the one of our main character of our movie, this again links well with the poster as both characters are wearing the same outfit and there hair and image match in both products.

The second picture shows how my trailer links well with my web design. As mentioned above, the print screen of Caitlin (our main character) links perfectly well with my web design, in the web design you can clearly see what Caitlin is wearing and how she is presented which is also shown throughout our trailer. The print screen of the writing pictured above, also links well with the choice of font that I used in my web design, giving a good effective to both my products. The print screen of the woods from my trailer is clearly shown in my web design, Which is very important and effective as it lets the audience clearly understand the setting of the movie.

I am happy with how my trailer links well with my poster and web design, I believe this is an important element in my designing and something I took clear understanding of when making my products.

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