Saturday 16 April 2011

Candidate Details and Final Products

Candidate Name:  William Keenan
Candidate Number:  6160
Centre Name: John F Kennedy School
Centre Number: 17131




youtube link for trailer -

EVALUATION: Question 1

EVALUATION: Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Pictured above is two pictures of how my trailer links well with my poster and web design. I took certain print screens from my trailer to show you how both products link well with my trailer. In the first picture I have shown how my trailer links well with my poster. I print screened the part of my trailer where the cross is shown, this links well with my poster, as the poster also shows the cross in the corner of the picture. This is effective as religion is the main base of this trailer. I also print screened The title of our movie which is shown at the end of the trailer, The writing/colour and style of the writing links well with the poster and has the same overall effect. The last print screen I chose was the one of our main character of our movie, this again links well with the poster as both characters are wearing the same outfit and there hair and image match in both products.

The second picture shows how my trailer links well with my web design. As mentioned above, the print screen of Caitlin (our main character) links perfectly well with my web design, in the web design you can clearly see what Caitlin is wearing and how she is presented which is also shown throughout our trailer. The print screen of the writing pictured above, also links well with the choice of font that I used in my web design, giving a good effective to both my products. The print screen of the woods from my trailer is clearly shown in my web design, Which is very important and effective as it lets the audience clearly understand the setting of the movie.

I am happy with how my trailer links well with my poster and web design, I believe this is an important element in my designing and something I took clear understanding of when making my products.

EVALUATION: Question 3: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Audience feedback has helped me greatly throughout the making of my trailer poster and web design. I have learnt that the more positive feedback I gained the more I wanted to make my products even better, so when I received negative points I went away and worked on them immediately. It was especially extremely helpful to receive feedback from my class mates as I would feel like I had done well when they gave me positive feedback but also understood them when they gave me some criticisms, which in the end helped me improve on my trailer.

In regards to my trailer, I asked for feedback during the making of my trailer and also after my first draft, feedback from this included things like 'the still frames of writing do not stand out to us' and 'some parts of your trailer went to fast and were hard to understand' after receiving this feedback I then went back and focused on the points making parts of the frame more slower and downloading more effective fonts for the still frames. After focusing on these parts of the trailer I then returned to my class mates, showing them what I had changed, This again helped me as there feedback had changed from before, this way I knew I had improved on my trailer.

When I had finished my trailer I then posted it on the social networking site 'Facebook' this is where people could share there views on my trailer, this again was very helpful and gave me some good feedback and also helped me to understand if the genre of the movie was coming across as effective to my audience.

When my trailer was finished I also recorded some audience feedback using my Mac, this again was very helpful and helped me to understand how my finished product effects my audience.

Regarding my Poster and Webpage, feedback also helped me to make sure what I was designing was effective to my audience and also portrayed the genre of my movie in an effective and professional way. I received feedback from my poster and webpage after my first draft which helped me learn how to grab my audience's attention and make them want to go and watch the trailer. After receiving this feedback I then went back to focus on my criticisms which helped me to make my designs much more quality.
Pictured below is my feedback I gathered from my class mates after my first draft of my poster and webpage which helped me to improve on my designs.

EVALUATION: Question 4: How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Friday 15 April 2011

Audience Feedback.

Once we finished creating our first draft for our trailer, we then decided to get some feedback to help us improve on our trailer.

Positive feedback:
- Most people seemed to like the music at the beginning of our trailer and our voice overs we used.
- People were really impressed with the effort we put in regarding the props we used and noticed the detail we put in.
- People like the fact that suspense was built up throughout the trailer.
- People liked the colour of the trailer throughout which was very dark and spooky.
- People seemed to especially like the scene where the main character walks backwards along the log.
- People liked the end frame and found it really effective.

Negative Feedback
- People found it a bit too short.
- People found that the still frames of writing inbetween each frame went to quickly
- People found parts of it when to fast in order for them to notice what was happening.
- People at parts felt confused to what was going on and did not know what perspective they were viewing the trailer from.

After we received this feedback from our audience, we then went back to our trailer and edited certain parts again. We paid attention to making sure the audience know which perspective they were looking at this from so included voice overs of the other characters while they watched there friend turn evil. We slowed down certain parts and also added more still text frames in order to make the trailer seem longer and also to help our audience to understand what was going on more clearly.

Trailer Progress Part 4

When making our trailer we decided to add certain sounds into our trailer to add effect and suspense. Imovie was also good for this as it gave us a selection of sounds to choose from in order to make our trailer seem more professional and realistic. Pictured above is an example of some sounds in which you could choose from. We decided to use sounds such as 'Thunder Clap' and 'Heavy Rain' These added effect to the scenes making them seem much more intense. We also added voice overs into our trailer to to add more effect to our audience we done this through using Garageband on the Macbook. By using garageband we were able to record a voiceover and then edit the pitch of our voices to make them seem more realistic and then we would simply download this voiceover into Imovie then place it in the certain part of our trailer in which we wanted it. Pictured below is a screenshot from Garageband and also a Screenshot of the voiceover once it is placed into Imovie.

^ Voiceover once put into Imovie (Pictured in green)

^Garageband where I was able to edit and create the voiceovers.